Blister Ampoules Rotary Machine
The Sealing width is 235mm. The Machine will be GMP MODEL totally SS 304 cladded & with the following accessories : Vaccum Pump Capacity 300, BCP Unit, Pressure Sealing Roller, Film Heater 235 Lth, Manual feeding and per minute is 600 ampoules, the machine comes with two (2) Punching tool one (1) punching tool comes with perforation and second (2) punching tool is for cutting for final pack all other standard accessories are within the machine available.
1ml, 2ml, 3ml, 5ml Ampoules can be produce on this machine plus vials of Dia "20ml" can also be done with Manual feeding. The size of the machine Length is 12ft with conveyor belt, the width will be 4ft and the height is 6ft.